Student government people

Associated Students History

History of the
Associated Students


A sense of social consciousness and activism helped fuel student involvement on campus, thus spawning the first Associated Student Board. In it's infancy the Butte College Associated Student Board was housed in various locations around campus.  The Student Activity card was made mandatory and Associated Students received a steady stream of income through Activity Fees as a result.


State legislation made it illegal to mandate the purchase of Activity Cards on a community college campus. As a result, the Associated Student budget declined as did student involvement.


Budget crisis puts the Associated Student funds in jeopardy as money was cut from the district-supported Student Activities budget. As a result of low funds it was difficult to maintain a viable and consistent student government and activities program.


The Butte College Associated Students Office, Office of Orientation, and Student Activities merged to Butte College Quad 4, room 101.


Dr. Sandy Acebo, the Superintendent/President, redirects bookstore profits to Student Activities. Student Activity cards and fees become "opt-out" fees for students, resulting in a boost in A.S. funds.


Faculty members, Marcia Johnson, Laurel German, Josh Cook and Jodi Schall serve as part-time A.S. advisors and support the growth and development of the A.S.

2002 FA

In the Fall Kelly Munson, Student Activities Advisor, is hired as full time staff and student awareness and involvement boosts and the A.S. is reinvigorated.

2002 SP

The Associated Students institute a student Activity Fee and Rep Fee.


The Culture and Community Center is created. The Culture & Community Center advocates for and empowers Butte College's diverse community by providing educational programs and cultural events in a safe and interactive environment where people gather to learn about themselves and others.


The Associated Students agree to fund the creation of the Chico Center Student Lounge. The lounge serves as a student space for homework, events, activities, and more at the Chico Center.


To better provide for students, the Associated Students Board increases the Student Activity fee to $16.


Today the Associated Students are 14 elected and appointed students representing all Butte College students. The Student Activity Fee is $18 and the Student Representation Fee is $2. The A.S. make decisions that affect the college budget, programs and campus policies, fund diverse social and educational programs and events and help encourage student leadership development.


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